7 super easy cleaning recipes to make your home smell the best | | Signal AZ

2021-12-13 12:54:30 By : Mr. Aaron chen

If you feel dizzy while reading the ingredients on the cleaning product, cheer up: there is another way.

The potions made in these minute, ultra-cheap recipes use aromatic essential oils, will not fumigate your home, and have super powers against dirt and bacteria.

Just like the food recipes you can try, you can modify the oil to suit your own sense of smell.

Pour all these ingredients into a spray bottle, seal and shake gently. There will be a battle of smells. Acid vinegar may beat the fragrant oil, but don't let it stop you.

The vinegar smell quickly disappeared, but the citrus and herb flavors lingered. These oils are not just for their smell. Lemon oil is a natural disinfectant, orange oil can remove grease, and rosemary oil has a certain antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

Mix all these ingredients in a spray bottle.

Spray on any glass surface and polish it with a microfiber cloth. You will soon have gleaming panes and mirrors, and the wonderful essential oil of lemon will kill the bacteria left by dirty fingerprints.

Fill a squeeze bottle with water, baking soda, and eucalyptus oil.

Seal the bottle and shake it. Next, add Castilian soap. Shake again. Squeeze around the bowl. Let it stand for 15 minutes, then scrub and flush with the toilet brush, and you're done.

In addition to having a fresh and delicious aroma, eucalyptus is also a natural fungicide.

This does take some stove time: bring the water to a boil, then add the oil. (Thyme and tea tree fight Salmonella while exuding a pleasant lavender aroma.) Slowly add the rest of the ingredients. After that, remove from the fire and cool down.

After cooling, pour into a squeeze bottle. Shake gently before use.

Pour the vinegar into the bucket, pour hot water into the bucket and add oil.

Suitable for stone, ceramic tiles and wood floors. Peppermint oil not only has antibacterial effects, but many people believe that it can deter rats and other pests.

Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal effects. Lavender oil not only has antibacterial effects, but its aroma also has a soothing effect, which can calm your whole family.

Fill the spray bottle with witch hazel and lavender. Shake it, fill it with water, shake it again, and spray it off.

A spray of this subtle but effective odor will eliminate the odor in a few seconds. Fill the spray bottle with water and oil. The scent of cinnamon can enhance brain power, and sandalwood can calm down-very suitable for hard-working and stressful families!

Essential oils do blend, so if any of the smells in these recipes are unappealing, try using other oils. Just keep the number the same. For example, if you replace the sandalwood oil in this air freshener with orange oil, please stick to the 10 drops specified in the formula.

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